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Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0732versión impresa ISSN 1405-7743


SANCHEZ-MEDRANO, María Teresa; IZQUIERDO-KULICH, Elena F.; ARANDA-JIMENEZ, Yolanda Guadalupe  y  SUAREZ-DOMINGUEZ, Edgardo Jonathan. Mechanical study of fluid displacement in bamboo for its preservation. Ing. invest. y tecnol. [online]. 2018, vol.19, n.3, pp.321-327. ISSN 2594-0732.

Bamboo represents a great potential of use for the construction within the alternative sustainable materials. This grass of the woody type has great advantages linked to its growth speed and maturation of its biological cycle, from 3 to 5 years. However, its excellent mechanical and physical properties and the durability of the same, require additional studies because it is a material of natural origin, susceptible to insect attack and exposure to environmental conditions in the environment. Particularly, for the preservation of this material, as well as of similar others, techniques of displacement and injection of fluids are used, nonetheless, few are the mathematical models that describe these process. The present study analyzes the flow of fluids through the bamboo walls of the Guadua aculeata species, better known as “Tarro”, traditionally used as the main element in rural housing in Mexico. A mathematical model was developed that describes the process from the pressure drop and porosity. This evaluation in bamboo generates knowledge about its behavior, given the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the species under study. This has implications for the future because depending on its porosity, it is possible to add preservatives and liquid solutions that will improve its physical, mechanical and durability response.

Palabras llave : Fluid displacement; bamboo; preservation; durability.

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