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Archivos de cardiología de México

versión On-line ISSN 1665-1731versión impresa ISSN 1405-9940


SIERRA-FERNANDEZ, Carlos R. et al. Academic and professional profile of cardiology fellowship graduates of National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chávez from 2000 to 2015. Arch. Cardiol. Méx. [online]. 2024, vol.94, n.1, pp.55-64.  Epub 07-Mayo-2024. ISSN 1665-1731.


The Ignacio Chávez National Institute of Cardiology (NIC) has positioned itself as an international benchmark in cardiovascular medical education, standing out for its high academic standards and human quality.


This study aims to identify the employment and academic profile of cardiology fellowship graduates from the National Institute of Cardiology of Mexico (NIC).


A cross-sectional and retrospective study was conducted, involving 473 graduates from the period 2000-2015. Data was collected through an electronic survey.


A total of 221 graduates agreed to participate, accounting for 46.7% of the total number of graduates. Among the participants, 85.2% were male. The majority of graduates (82.4%) held Mexican nationality, while the remaining individuals represented various Latin-American nationalities. Following the completion of the cardiology fellowship, 89% of graduates pursued further postgraduate degrees. Within this group, 95.4% completed at least one additional fellowship, while 4.6% pursued a master’s or PhD program. The most popular fellowship program chosen was Interventional Cardiology. On average, NIC graduates dedicate 10.8 hours per day to their work, with 6.4 hours dedicated to cardiology and 4.3 hours to their other postgraduate degree. Those employed in both public and private health systems allocate 6.1 hours and 5.2 hours per day, respectively. Additionally, 75% of graduates are involved in teaching activities. Currently, 84% of graduates are employed in Mexico.


The majority of NIC graduates are physicians who further their academic training by pursuing additional postgraduate programs. They work longer hours per day compared to the general Mexican population, with a significant focus on clinical cardiology. Graduates actively seek opportunities to share their expertise through various academic activities.

Palabras llave : Medical education; Graduates; Cardiology; Fellowship program; Working hours.

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