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Signos filosóficos

versión impresa ISSN 1665-1324


RODRIGUEZ, Teresa. Will it suffice to reject the category “Neoplatonism” so as to rehabilitate Neoplatonic philosophers?. Sig. Fil [online]. 2015, vol.17, n.33, pp.8-27. ISSN 1665-1324.

Recently, Gerson (2010) and Catana (2013a) have proposed the banishment of the category “Neoplatonism” from the history of philosophy based on the analysis of the historical genesis of its emergence as a pejorative term. In this paper I argue, by contrast, that the historiographical analysis is not enough to repair the marginalization of Neoplatonic philosophers. It is necessary to attack, rather than the notion of “Neoplatonism”, that of “originality”. This notion has been imported from external models and has significant similarities with the concept of originality proposed by some copyright theorists.

Palabras llave : Neoplatonism; originality; history of philosophy; model; Plotinus.

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