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versión On-line ISSN 1665-1456


DIEGO-ZARATE, Lizbeth Malleli; MENDEZ-ZAMORA, Gerardo; RIVERA-DE ALBA, Jocelyn Abigail  y  FLORES-GIRON, Emmanuel. Effect of dehydrated nopal (Opuntia spp) powder on physicochemical and sensory properties of Vienna sausages. Biotecnia [online]. 2021, vol.23, n.2, pp.89-95.  Epub 05-Sep-2022. ISSN 1665-1456.

Nopal cladodes (Opuntia spp) are vegetal structures with high dietary fiber content, a key ingredient for the current development of functional meat foods; nevertheless, its addition in emulsified products, like sausages, affects its physical, chemical and sensory properties. Thus, in the present work the effects of the inclusion of dehydrated nopal powder in chemical composition, cooking losses, water holding capacity, texture profile and sensory attributes of Vienna sausages were analyzed at concentrations of 0 % (TNOP0), 2% (TNOP2), 4 % (TNOP4) and 6 % (TNOP6). The incorporation of this ingredient reduced fat content by increasing crude fiber, at the same time that affected appereance by decreasing luminosity and red color and enhancing yellow. The cooking loss and water holding capacity were not affected, but yes texture profile when the addition level was 6 %; while more than 4 % reduced global and by attribute acceptance. The addition of 2 % nopal flour is feasible in emulsified functional meat products development.

Palabras llave : Meat batters; dietary fiber; texture; color.

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