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vol.24 número4Uso de solventes orgánicos como dispersantes de molienda para obtener nanopartículas de puzolana naturalResistencia a la corrosión de películas cerámicas delgadas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Superficies y vacío

versión impresa ISSN 1665-3521


MARANON-RUIZ, V. F.; RIZO DE LA TORRE, L. del C.  y  CHIU-ZARATE, R.. Caracterización de las propiedades ópticas de Betacianinas y Betaxantinas por espectroscopía Uv-Vis y barrido en Z. Superf. vacío [online]. 2011, vol.24, n.4, pp.113-120. ISSN 1665-3521.

In this work we present the study on the nonlinear properties of phytodyes of beet root (Beta vulgaris) known like Betalains. Betalains was extracted in two different systems: water and methanol, and the extract of betalains was purified by chromatography in column and followed by thin layer chromatography. The Betaxanthins and Betacyanins obtained of the extract were characterized by ultraviolet spectroscopy and nonlinear refraction index changes were observed when these films were exposed to an intensity distribution illumination. A 4 mW He-Ne laser at 633 nm was used to illuminate the samples.

Palabras llave : Betavulgaris; Nonlinear optical properties; Z-scan technique.

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