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vol.2 número2Hombres violentados en la pareja: Jóvenes de Baja California, MéxicoDe Max Weber a Michel Maffesoli: inmigración, reencantamiento del mundo y politeísmo de valores en Estados Unidos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-539Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-1191


SALAZAR GUTIERREZ, Salvador. Dissident subjetivities and the unknowledgement of the paralegal biopower: the sociocultural production in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.2, pp.157-177. ISSN 2448-539X.

In the scene of violence, that dominate the present context of Ciudad Juarez, México, there has been joinning the tension between the project of paralegal biopower characterized by three factors: the presence of drug traffic and narcoculture, the nullity of the biography of anyone considered a threat, and the precarious structure of the most inhabitants at this border city. Opposed to this, emerges a bioresistence characterized by dissident practice of youth collectives, which from diverse strategies seek to contibute to an alternative and recognized project.

Palabras llave : systemic violence; paralegal biopower; bioresistence; dissident subjectivity; youth collectives.

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