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Acta médica Grupo Ángeles

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7203


ARANDA ZEPEDA, Lidia; GONZALEZ ARRIETA, María Leonor; HERNANDEZ LUNA, Rocío  y  LOPEZ BASCOPE, Alberto. Prevalence of burnout syndrome in anesthesiologists at the Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano. Acta méd. Grupo Ángeles [online]. 2019, vol.17, n.2, pp.99-102.  Epub 19-Mayo-2021. ISSN 1870-7203.


Burnout syndrome is an entity referred to as a state of physical, emotional and professional exhaustion observed in individuals subject to great professional responsibilities. The general objective of the study was to determine the frequency of burnout syndrome in the anesthesiologists who offer their services in the surgical areas of the Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano.

Material and methods:

A cross-sectional study was carried out in anesthesiologists who belong to the Department of Anesthesiology of the Hospital Ángeles Metropolitano and anesthesiologists who come to this hospital as external doctors who met the inclusion criteria. The Maslach-Burnout inventory and a questionnaire on demographic variables were carried out. The data collection is expressed in percentages, measures of central tendency and intergroup differences.


A total of 140 questionnaires was collected (N = 140), of which 66 were from men and 74 from women. It was identified that only 2% of the anesthesiologists surveyed presented criteria of burnout syndrome.


98% of the anesthesiologists surveyed do not meet criteria for burnout syndrome; this could be due to adaptation mechanisms in this population to stress and frustration.

Palabras llave : Burnout syndrome; emotional exhaustion; depersonalization; personal fulfillment; anesthesiology.

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