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vol.13 número24Notas para entender la migración: instituciones gubernamentales y política migratoria mexicanas en los albores del siglo XXI índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Migración y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-7599


SCHIERUP, Carl-Ulrik. Memorándum para el «poder popular»: Migración, precariedad y nuevos movimientos sociales en el post-apartheid en Sudáfrica. Migr. desarro [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.24, pp.3-46. ISSN 1870-7599.

The article discusses migration, precarity and poor people's movements. It relates a reproduction of poverty and unfree labour in postapartheid South Africa to shifting race-class alliances and the constitution of political hegemony under variable historical-structural conditions. It charts the development of migrancy system from apartheid's centrally managed labour regime to a post-apartheid neoliberal regime driven by policies of «flexploitation». A contentious enigma of «xenophobia» is related to nation and citizenship in the remaking of hegemony in an exceedingly unequal society where poor people's movements carve out spaces of an «insurgent citizenship» beyond the reach of neoliberal governance. The author asks whether a reconstituted South African left, with the anti-apartheid coalition's Freedom Charter as a memorandum for current struggles, will be able to advance a renaissance of «people power» at a junction where migration, xenophobia and winning the loyalty of an unruly precariat have become increasingly crucial stratagems?

Palabras llave : South Africa; labor migration; neoliberalism; social movements; extractivism.

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