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vol.4 número7Libertad religiosa de Ana María Bombal (un acercamiento desde la versión de 1968 de La Amortajada) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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En-claves del pensamiento

versión On-line ISSN 2594-1100versión impresa ISSN 1870-879X


ECHENBERG, Margo. "¿Se mueve la niebla con nosotros?": personajes y vanguardia en María Luisa Bombal. En-clav. pen [online]. 2010, vol.4, n.7, pp.143-160. ISSN 2594-1100.

Upon being asked to lengthen her novel La amortajada to at least two hundred pages, María Luisa Bombal opted not for a literal translation, but rather wrote The Shrowded Woman (1947). This article looks at the additions to the novel in English in relation to the evolution of the main character both in this novel and in La amortajada, a novel written in Spanish and published by the prestigious Editorial Sur in Buenos Aires ten years earlier. Bombal's prose in English in the added chapters of the novel contrasts with her lyrical style in Spanish that skill-fully portrays both the desire and sense of lack suffered by the protagonist. As such, the English language novel is a more conventional work. Moreover, the new chapters of The Shrowded Woman focus not on the protagonist but rather on secondary characters, rendering the romantic entanglements more complicated and verging on the melodramatic. The study of the new segments of the novel written in English proves them not only to be superfluous in terms of the development of the main character but in fact partly responsible for impoverishing the novel. This same conclusion, nevertheless, suggests just how Bombal's prose in Spanish is poised on the avant-guard.

Palabras llave : María Luisa Bombal; La amortajada; The Shrowded Woman; character; avant-guard; desire; lack.

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