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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044


CALVA-YANEZ, María Bárbara et al. Differential Evolution for the Control Gain's Optimal Tuning of a Four-bar Mechanism. Polibits [online]. 2013, n.47, pp.67-73. ISSN 1870-9044.

In this paper the variation of the velocity error of a four-bar mechanism with spring and damping forces is reduced by solving a dynamic optimization problem using a differential evolution algorithm with a constraint handling mechanism. The optimal design of the velocity control for the mechanism is formulated as a dynamic optimization problem. Moreover, in order to compare the results of the differential evolution algorithm, a simulation experiment of the proposed control strategy was carried out. The simulation results and discussion are presented in order to evaluate the performance of both approaches in the control of the mechanism.

Palabras llave : Velocity control; differential evolution algorithm; four-bar mechanism; dynamic optimization.

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