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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6698versión impresa ISSN 2007-1124

Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias vol.12 no.2 Mérida abr./jun. 2021  Epub 15-Nov-2021 

Technical notes

Efficacy of thymol in control of the fungus Nosema ceranae in Africanized Apis mellifera

Azucena Vargas-Valeroa 

Roberto C. Barrientos-Medinab 

Luis A. Medina Medinac  * 

a Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Centro de Investigación Regional del Sureste, Campo Experimental Edzná, Campeche, México.

b Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Departamento de Ecología, Yucatán, México.

c Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Departamento de Apicultura, Yucatán, México.


Nosema ceranae is an obligatory parasite of the honeybee midgut. It destroys the epithelial cells, negatively affecting food digestion and assimilation, and impacting bee development and colony survival. Antifungals such as fumagillin effectively control N. ceranae but can be toxic to humans who consume honey from treated hives, and are prohibited in many countries, including Mexico. Essential oils from plants are promising alternative antifungals. An evaluation was done of the efficacy of the essential oil thymol in controlling N. ceranae in Africanized Apis mellifera colonies over a four-week period. A total of 56 colonies were distributed in three experimental groups: G1) 18 colonies treated with fumagillin (25.2 mg fumagillin/week); G2) 19 colonies treated with thymol (66 mg thymol crystals/week); and G3) 19 untreated colonies (control). Infection levels (N. ceranae spores/bee) were estimated in 60 adult bees from each colony. Fumagillin (G1) reduced infection levels from 123,529 to 1,805 spores/bee (95.2 % efficacy). Thymol (G2) reduced infection levels from 133,438 to 28,099 spores/bee (31.1 % efficacy). Infection levels also declined in the control group (G3), from 119,306 to 36,447 spores/bee. The clearly higher efficacy with fumagillin compared to thymol highlights the need for further trials to test different thymol concentrations, and administration frequencies and times. Under the present study conditions thymol was not effective against N. ceranae, but the pressing need for non-toxic antifungals for use in Africanized A. mellifera colonies in the tropics makes research on thymol and other essential oils imperative.

Key words Nosema ceranae; Nosemosis; Fumagillin; Thymol; Efficacy; Apis mellifera


Nosema ceranae, es un parásito obligatorio del intestino medio de las abejas melíferas que causa destrucción de las células epiteliales afectando la digestión y asimilación del alimento, impactando negativamente el desarrollo y sobrevivencia de las colonias de abejas. Con la finalidad de reducir los efectos negativos, se evaluó la eficacia del timol en el control de esta parasitosis. El estudio se realizó en dos apiarios experimentales con un total de 56 colonias de abejas distribuidas en tres grupos experimentales: G1) 18 colonias que recibieron tratamiento con fumagilina como producto de referencia (25.2 mg de fumagilina/semana); G2) 19 colonias que recibieron tratamiento con timol como producto alternativo (66 mg de cristales/semana) y G3) 19 colonias que no recibieron ningún tratamiento (grupo testigo). Los tratamientos con la fumagilina y timol se aplicaron a través del jarabe de azúcar una vez por semana durante cuatro semanas consecutivas. Los niveles de infección de N. ceranae se estimaron en el macerado del abdomen de 60 abejas adultas colectadas de cada colonia experimental. Los resultados al final de los tratamientos indican que las colonias que recibieron fumagilina (G1) disminuyeron sus niveles de infección de 123,529 a 1,805 esporas por abeja; para G2 (timol), la reducción fue de 133,438 a 28,099 esporas por abeja, y para las colonias del grupo testigo (G3) fue de 119,306 a 36,447 esporas por abeja. Los tres grupos experimentales presentaron diferencias estadísticas significativas en los niveles de infección de N. ceranae al final de los tratamientos. La fumagilina presentó una mayor eficacia (95.2 %) en comparación con el timol la, cual fue baja (31.1 % de eficacia) indicando que se requieren estudios adicionales para determinar la concentración más efectiva a nivel de colonia bajo condiciones tropicales de Yucatán, a fin de que este aceite esencial de origen vegetal sea incorporado como producto alternativo para el control de esta parasitosis.

Palabras clave Nosema ceranae; Nosemosis; Fumagilina; Timol; Eficacia; Apis mellifera

Nosemosis is a parasitic fungal infection affecting the digestive tract of honeybees Apis mellifera. It is caused by two species of the Nosematidae family: Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae. The former is associated with infection in A. mellifera, while the latter was originally associated with the Asian bee Apis cerana. First diagnosed infecting A. mellifera in central and northern Spain in 20061, N. ceranae infection causes reductions in honey production and high colony mortality in winter2,3.

Both these microsporidia (N. apis and N. ceranae) reproduce rapidly inside the epithelial cells of the midgut (ventricle) of adult bees (queen, workers and drones). Infection causes destruction of the epithelial cells responsible for digestion and food assimilation3, resulting in nutritional stress4. At an individual level, other damage includes reduced life span3,5,6 and compromised orientation and foraging capacities in infected workers7,8. At the colony level, high Nosema prevalence and infection levels can cause serious damage, such as reductions in breeding areas and the adult population, consequent declines in honey production9,10 and eventual collapse and loss11,12.

Since its initial identification in A. mellifera in 2006, N. ceranae has become one of the most widely distributed bee pathogens worldwide13,14. It has been associated with high colony mortality in Europe11, North America15 and South America16, with a much higher virulence than N. apis5,17,18.

Apis mellifera colonies in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, are infected by N. apis or N. ceranae but no massive losses or high colony mortality have been reported as a result. Since 200819, high nosemosis prevalence (74 to 100 %) has been reported in commercial apiaries compared to previous years (7.2 %)20. This high prevalence has been attributed to the presence of N. ceranae in Africanized A. mellifera in Yucatan21. Moreover, under Yucatan’s tropical conditions N. ceranae infection has been confirmed to negatively affect foraging initiation and duration, as well as worker longevity22.

The only substance considered effective against this microsporidium is fumagillin (dicyclohexylammonium salt). Since its initial evaluation in the early 1950s23, this antimicrobial, derived from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, has been used to control N. apis in A. mellifera. Its action mechanism is inhibition of microsporidium DNA replication, which suppresses its reproduction, resulting in lower spore counts in the bee ventricle24,25.

Fumagillin is approved in the United States and is widely used to control N. apis and N. ceranae infections. However, in many European countries26, as well as in Mexico, it is prohibited for nosemosis control due to its toxicity in humans; any residue remaining in honey from colonies under treatment represents a direct risk to the consumer27. Alternative nosemosis control products have been proposed. These include essential oils from plants, such as thymol from Thymus vulgaris and vetiver from Chrysopogon zizanioides, as well as resveratrol, a natural polyphenol presents in numerous plants and fruits such as grapes. These essential oils, particularly thymol, have been shown to exercise some control of nosemosis28,29. When treated with thymol (0.44 mM) administered via sugar syrup, Nosema-infected colonies are reported to exhibit reduced spore counts per bee, expansion of brood areas, increased adult bee populations and greater honey production compared to untreated infected colonies28. These natural-source alternative essential oils products represent no toxicity risk for bees, a low probability of leaving residues in honey30, and are less expensive than commercial pharmaceuticals.

As part of the search for alternative products for nosemosis control, the present study objective was to compare the efficacy of the essential oil thymol in controlling nosemosis caused by N. ceranae infection in Africanized A. mellifera under tropical conditions in Yucatan, Mexico.

The experiment was carried out in two apiaries at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán - UADY), Xmatkuil, Yucatan (20º51’51” N, 89º36’45” W; 20º51’55” N, 89º36’46” W). Regional climate is warm sub-humid with summer rains (Awo). Average annual rainfall is 985 mm, average annual temperature is 26.8 ºC and average annual relative humidity is 78 %31.

The colonies in both apiaries were double colonies (brood chamber and super) housed in Langstroth-type hives. All hives had naturally-fertilized Africanized queens, an adult population covering 7 to 9 combs in the brood chamber, 6 to 8 combs containing brood at different stages (eggs, larvae and pupae), as well as combs containing honey and pollen. The colonies were distributed in a similar way among the experimental groups. Infection with N. ceranae was identified by endpoint PCR32 of forage bees collected at the entrance to each experimental colony.

Before starting the evaluations, a preliminary diagnosis was made in both apiaries to quantify N. ceranae infection level (spores/bee) in all colonies. This ensured that all three experimental groups had a comparable initial infection level. Adult bees (~100 to 150 workers) were collected from the entrance of each experimental colony. Sixty individuals from each sample were analyzed to identify the presence of N. ceranae spores and quantify infection severity based on spore count per bee in the digestive tract. The abdomen was removed from each of the 60 bees, placed in a mortar and 60 ml distilled water added9,33. The abdomens were macerated until creating a homogeneous mixture and this was filtered through gauze to remove impurities. One drop of the resulting solution was placed in each reticule of a Neubauer chamber and viewed at 400x magnification. The spore counts were used to calculate average infection level (i.e. spores/bee).

Efficacy of the fumagillin (Fumagilin-B®) and thymol crystals (Sigma-Aldrich; ≥99.5% purity) in control of N. ceranae was evaluated over a period of four weeks with treatments applied once a week. The colonies in both apiaries were divided into three experimental groups:

Group 1 (G1): 18 colonies treated with fumagillin (Fumagilin-B®) administered at 1.2 g product (25.2 mg fumagillin)/colony/week in one liter sugar syrup (2:1, sugar:water);

Group 2 (G2): 19 colonies treated with 66 mg thymol crystals (99.5% purity)/colony/week in one liter sugar syrup (2:1, sugar:water);

Group 3 (G3): a control consisting of 19 colonies administered only one-liter sugar syrup (2:1, sugar: water), and no antifungals, per colony/week.

At the end of each week, adult bees were collected from the entrance of each colony and processed following the methodology described above to quantify infection level in each group.

Spore counts per bee were divided by one thousand to facilitate statistical analysis. The Box-Cox transformation34 was applied to normalize variable distribution. Finally, a repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare the means per treatment (i.e., experimental group) and week, and the interaction between both factors (treatment x week). Significance level was P= 0.05 and calculations were run with the PAST ver. 3.20 software program35.

In Group 1 (colonies administered fumagillin) infection levels (X¯±SE) dropped from 123,529 ± 41,200 spores/bee on d-0 to 1,805 ± 527 spores per bee on d-28, representing a 95.2 % overall efficacy against N. ceranae (Table 1). In Group 2 (colonies administered thymol crystals) infection levels declined from 133,438 ± 59,291 to 28,099 ± 17,574 spores/bee, representing 31.1 % efficacy. The decreases in infection levels in Group 3 (control) may be the result of seasonal fluctuations, as reported elsewhere36.

Table 1 Nosema ceranae spore counts per bee (X¯ ± SE) in response to administration of fumagillin or thymol 

Day 0 123,529±41,220 a 133,438±59,291 a 119,306±53,100 a 0.5587
Day 7 (1st application) 104,688±42,293 a 67,812±14,426 a 80,394±22,381 a 1.8960
Day 14 (2nd application) 57,666±14,827 a 84,500±23,054 a 96,666±25,476 a 2.1100
Day 21 (3rd application) 30,468±11,190 a 27,058±9,779 a 42,631±9,055 a 4.9040
Day 28 (4th application) 1,805±527 a 28,099±17,574 b 36,447±17,554 c 24.0900
Overall efficacy, % 95.2 31.1 -

X¯ ± SE= Average ± standard error; H = Kruskal-Wallis test result.

abc Different letter superscripts in the same row indicate difference (P<0.05).

Initial N. ceranae infection levels did not differ between the three experimental groups based on a Kruskal-Wallis test (H= 0.5587, P= 0.7563) (Table 1); indeed, levels did not differ between the groups during the first three weeks of the experiment. It was not until the fourth week did differences become apparent, with G1 (fumagillin) exhibiting the highest efficacy. Clearly, administration of 100.8 mg fumagillin (4.8 g Fumagilin-B®), following manufacturer recommendations, effectively controlled N. ceranae reproduction in this group.

Application of fumagillin in G1 significantly decreased N. ceranae infection levels after four weeks at an efficacy over three times those of G2 (thymol crystals) and G3 (control). This coincides with previous reports indicating that fumagillin remains appropriate for control of N. ceranae infection37-40. Though efficient at temporarily reducing N. ceranae infection levels, it does not prevent reinfections within six months of the last application38.

The 31.1 % efficacy of thymol observed in the present study was lower than the 40 % reported in a study of N. ceranae-infected bees fed sugar syrup containing thymol under laboratory conditions41. Of note is that thymol is reported to have greater efficacy in controlling nosemosis after three consecutive years of application28; this is much longer than the four-week period used in the present study. Continued application of thymol for an additional two years would be vital to verifying the effectiveness of the dose used here.

Fumagillin was effective in reducing N. ceranae infection levels in Africanized A. mellifera under tropical conditions. However, its use in bees is prohibited in Mexico, and its application at the doses used in the present study is only recommended when infection levels exceed two million spores/bee28. Considering that the highest initial infection level recorded in the present results was only 192,729 spores/bee, substantially lower than two million, application of thymol may yet exhibit a controlling effect against N. ceranae under the experimental conditions, just at higher infection levels. Further research will be needed to determine the potential of thymol as an alternative fungus control in Africanized A. mellifera under tropical conditions. Evaluations are needed in which higher doses and/or different application frequencies are tested. Because of its lower toxicity risk in both bees and humans, and the low residues it leaves in honey, the potential of thymol as an alternative antifungal in honeybees is well worth pursuing.

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Received: August 20, 2019; Accepted: September 02, 2020

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