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Acta de investigación psicológica

versión On-line ISSN 2007-4719versión impresa ISSN 2007-4832


PADILLA BAUTISTA, Joaquín Alberto; CRUZ DEL CASTILLO, Cinthia  y  CRUZ TORRES, Christian Enrique. You Make Me a Better/Worse Person: Validation of the Relational Self-Change Scale in the Mexican Population. Acta de investigación psicol [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.2, pp.24-38.  Epub 14-Ene-2022. ISSN 2007-4719.


Couple relationships affect the diversity, size and content of the self-concept. The model of Mattingly et al. (2014), coming from an individualistic culture, focuses on explaining the effects of a romantic relationship on self-concept. The two-dimensional model explains the increase and decrease (direction) in the size and diversity of the self-concept and the positive or negative change (valence) in the content of the self-concept. This model provides four factors by which these changes can be analyzed: Self-Expansion, Self-contraction, Self-pruning and Self-adulteration.


This research seeks evidence of validity and reliability in the Mexican population of the Relational Self-Change Scale, a scale that measures the two-dimensional model proposed by Mattingly.


Using a sample of 210 people, an exploratory factor analysis based on polychoric correlations and the use of a multidimensional scaling analysis was performed. Subsequently, using a sample of 242 participants, a conformational factor analysis was carried out to contrast the original solution and the one obtained in this research.


The different analyses performed show evidence of only two factors, one positive and one negative, which is a more parsimonious model to explain the changes in self-concept due to the couple relationship.


It seems that the Mexican population, which is considered to be a collectivist culture, tends to conceptualize the phenomenon of self-expansion in a different way.

Palabras llave : Self-expansion; Self-concept; Couple; Psychometric validation; Romantic relationship.

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