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vol.14 número27Las culturas populares como teorías críticas frente a las tendencias ultraconservadoras del contexto ideológico-político actualLa doble dimensión del análisis del discurso: perspectiva teórica y herramienta metodológica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cultura y representaciones sociales

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8110


BARKIN, David et al. A revolutionary subject from the community and its forms of social transformation. Cultura representaciones soc [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.27, pp.35-77.  Epub 20-Ene-2021. ISSN 2007-8110.

The teachings of the revolutionary struggles of the twentieth century culminated in a broad and enriched theoretical field, but it was impossible to provide precise answers to the problem of present and future social change of the peoples. This work examines the potential of revolutionary groups almost forgotten -deliberately- organized collectively and involved in processes of social and productive transformation, with a legitimate claim to their territories for social, productive and ecological management of them. Their current activities involve them in processes to consolidate a different structure of society outside the global system. Its fundamental constitution as revolutionary subjects underlies community unity, as a pre-Columbian historical legacy that includes other worldviews. Rural communities in Latin America, peasant and indigenous, are reforming their organizations and government structures to take control of the territories they have claimed for generations. The result of this is an important self-management capacity to control the production and use of the surplus. The collective management of surplus implies the mobilization of underutilized resources and energies to improve the standard of living, ensuring the conservation and restoration of the environment; this represents a key element for the understanding of social transformation from the revolutionary subject from the community. It should be noted that the communities do not undertake asylum movements; they are coordinating their efforts to share information and form alliances (regional, national and international), reinforcing their political reach. It is about various expressions of social change that emerge as a growing movement that shares the slogan of building societies, realities and different worlds.

Palabras llave : revolutionary subject; collectives; community; social transformation; surplus.

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