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Epistemus (Sonora)

versión On-line ISSN 2007-8196versión impresa ISSN 2007-4530


GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Rodrigo; NUNEZ GONZALEZ, Roberto  y  GONZALEZ VALENZUELA, Rodrigo Iván. The Supremacy of the Number One. Epistemus (Sonora) [online]. 2023, vol.17, n.34, pp.70-76.  Epub 08-Dic-2023. ISSN 2007-8196.

In this paper, it is presented (in a general way) a mathematical curiosity that quickly attracts attention per se. It describes a peculiar pattern, known as Benford’s Law or the Significant-Digit Phenomenon, that the first digits of data obtained from various ordinary situations and many real processes comply. In addition to analyzing and reproducing the compliance of this singular mathematical principle, that are followed by the significant digits for some typical examples found in the literature, the validity of this law in cases of particular interest is also analyzed and possible potential applications are described.

Palabras llave : Benford´s Law; significant digits; information validation; Simon Newcomb.

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