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vol.9 número25La Protección del Derecho Humano a la Nacionalidad en el Sistema Universal. Análisis Histórico-Evolutivo y Jurídico ActualDerecho de Petición de los usuarios del transporte aéreo: Aspectos críticos del rol del organismo regulador en la perspectiva del servicio de atención al ciudadano en Perú y México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Derecho global. Estudios sobre derecho y justicia

versión On-line ISSN 2448-5136versión impresa ISSN 2448-5128


PEZO JIMENEZ, Omar  y  BELLODAS TICONA, Carlos Augusto. The impact of the geographical location of the Challapalca prison establishment with respect to the inmates’ family relationships and its influence on the effective prison treatment. Derecho glob. Estud. sobre derecho justicia [online]. 2023, vol.9, n.25, pp.301-321.  Epub 22-Ene-2024. ISSN 2448-5136.

The objective of the present investigation is to determine if the location of the penitentiary infrastructure of the Challapalca penitentiary establishment affects the fluid family bond in the parameters of penitentiary treatment during the year 2021. The methodology was explanatory level with a mixed approach. It was concluded that the family bond of an inmate confined in penitentiary establishments is important for his treatment, since it provides him with support, support and emotional support, which will be reflected in his actions and his subsequent reinsertion into society. It was concluded that the remoteness of the Challapalca prison does not guarantee respect for the inmates of the family unit, the best interest of the child, their human dignity, and their rehabilitation.

Palabras llave : Family bond; Challapalca; penitentiary treatment; location of establishments.

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