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Abanico veterinario

versión On-line ISSN 2448-6132versión impresa ISSN 2007-428X

Abanico vet vol.10  Tepic ene./dic. 2020  Epub 07-Mayo-2021 

Original Article

Effect of incubator carbon dioxide level on embryonic development and hatching parameters in broiler chicken

Omar Prado-Rebolledo1  *

José Castellano-Ortega1

Johnatan Ruíz-Ramírez1

José Zepeda-Batista1

Arturo García-Casillas1  **

1Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad de Colima. México.


Oxygen (O 2) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) are vital gases for the embryo during the incubation process, its level is essential at pipping, to evaluate the effect of incubator carbon dioxide level on embryonic development, hatching parameters, and post-hatch growth of broiler, humidity loss, hatchability, weight of chicken, size of chicken, blood glucose, hematocrit and plasma proteins were measured. A total of 600 eggs from commercial breeding Cobb 500 41 weeks, were selected by weight from 65 to 70 g, were distributed on two incubators. A machine was kept at 4000 ppm and the other to 3000 ppm CO2. A 2 x 2 factorial design was used. The hatchability was better to 3000 ppm of CO2 and egg weight of 65 g chicken egg; the chicken was heavier with eggs of 70 g, to more ppm of CO2 reduction in the loss of humidity, was observed over a large chicken, blood glucose levels were not affected, but the values of plasma protein were less than 3000 ppm CO2. Improved hatching parameters at lower ppm of CO2 during the incubation process.

Keywords: incubation; carbon dioxide; embryo; gases


El oxígeno (O2) y el dióxido de carbono (CO2) son gases vitales para el embrión durante el proceso de incubación, su nivel es imprescindible en el momento del picaje, con la finalidad de evaluar el efecto del nivel de dióxido de carbono de la incubadora sobre el desarrollo embrionario, los parámetros de eclosión y el posterior crecimiento del pollo de engorda, se midió la pérdida de humedad, incubabilidad, peso del pollo, tamaño del pollo, glucosa sanguínea, hematocrito y proteínas plasmáticas. Un total de 600 huevos de reproductora comercial Cobb 500 de 41 semanas, se seleccionaron por peso de 65 y 70 g, se distribuyeron en dos máquinas incubadoras. Una máquina se mantuvo a 4000 ppm y la otra a 3000 ppm de CO2. Se utilizó un diseño factorial 2 x 2. La incubabilidad fue mayor a 3000 ppm de CO2 y peso de huevo de 65 g; el pollo más pesado fue con huevo de 70 g, a mayor ppm de CO2 menor pérdida de humedad, a menor ppm de CO2 se observó un pollo más grande, los niveles de glucosa no se afectaron, pero los valores de proteínas plasmáticas fueron menores a 3000 ppm de CO2. Se mejoran los parámetros de eclosión al bajar las ppm de CO2 durante el proceso de incubación.

Palabras clave: incubación; dióxido de carbono; embrión; gases


ED embryonic development AS ascites syndrome
CO2 carbon dioxide RH relative humidity humedad relativa
pO2 partial pressure of oxygen O2 oxygen
pCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide


Embryonic development (ED) depends in the first instance on the pores of the shell that allow the diffusion of oxygen (O 2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2) between the external environment of the egg and the embryo's blood (Cordeiro and Hincke, 2016). This gas exchange develops through the chorioallantoic membrane (John, 2017), which is supplied by blood vessels and whose function is similar to the placenta of mammalian fetuses (Koyama and Tennyson, 2016). The primary function of the respiratory system is to transport O 2 and CO 2, between the environment and the tissues (D'Alba et al., 2017); therefore, respiration is regulated to meet metabolic demands, supplying O2 and eliminating CO 2 (Okur, 2019). The partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the air chamber are a stimulus for the embryo to perform the pecking (Deeming, 2016).

Gildersleeve and Boeschen (1983) carried out an experiment with turkey eggs, where they added CO2 levels higher than atmospheric concentrations, in order to stimulate ED during the beginning of the incubation period, although ED was stimulated, no differences in hatchability between eggs incubated in ranges of atmospheric CO2 to 1% CO2 during the first 2 days of incubation, so that the temperature of the shell, together with the concentration of CO2, affects the body weight of the chick at birth (Maatjens et al., 2014a; Maatjens et al., 2014b).

De Smit et al (2006) y De Smit et al (2008) modified the ventilation conditions, to raise CO2 during the first 10 days of the ED, using two reproductive strains, 45 and 60 weeks old; with different levels of susceptibility to ascites syndrome (AS). The CO2 levels resulted in 1 and 1.5%, so the ED10 of higher CO2 levels resulted in higher absolute and relative body weight (to the egg weight) than the ED10 to ED18; they had accelerated growth, elevated levels of corticosterone and plasma T3, and higher pCO2 in the air chamber; the hatching window was smaller in a time of 10 to 15 h, and the chick weight was greater with respect to normal ventilation. Likewise, García et al (2013) restricted ventilation during the first 10 days of the ED and found an improvement in the incubation parameters.

During the last phase of development, the chicken embryo varies its O2 consumption with the ambient temperature (Deeming, 2016). During the 2nd phase of ED, once the embryo produces its own metabolic heat, it removes CO2 in a range of 0.05 to 0.3% (D'Alba et al., 2017), so it also depends on the diffusion of gases to through the pores (Mortola and Labbe, 2005). Thus, a hypoxic condition can limit ED, limit beak and foot development, develop heart hypertrophy, changes in heart rhythm, pericardial and pulmonary edema, changes in hemoglobin and AS; since in the last stage of ED, the phase where the hypoxic condition occurs, the embryo consumes up to 60 % more O2 (Burggren and Elmonoufy, 2017; John, 2017; Itani et al., 2018). Another factor that can play an important role in ED is altitude; since shell decreasing conductance. At this stage, the embryo needs energy from anaerobic metabolism (Huang et al., 2017). Blood glucose and tissue glycogen reserves are what provide this energy, necessary for hatching (Fathollahipour et al., 2018). It is known that there are differences in embryos metabolism with different ages and commercial lines, so if it is intended to optimize the incubation conditions, it is necessary to deepen their requirements (Huang et al., 2017).

The objective of the present investigation was to determine incubation parameter effect with two levels of CO2 and two egg weights.


The experiment followed institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of animals; all procedures were approved by the Ethics Review Committee of the University of Colima. The study was carried out with 600 fertile eggs of commercial Cobb 500 breeder, 41 weeks old and weighing 65 and 70 g. The eggs were placed in two commercial single-stage incubators (HatchTech; Gildetrom 25.3905 TB., Veenendaal, Netherlands), with a capacity of 4800 eggs/each. The machines, which have a temperature sensor (± 0.1ºF), a humidity sensor [± 1% relative humidity (RH)] and a CO2 sensor (± 100 ppm). The eggs were turned at an angle of 45° and then 90° every hour.

The air circulation was horizontal and laminar, through perforated radiators, which cause pressure differences, for better air distribution and a uniform flow through each egg mass, from top to bottom and from front to back. The same machines functioned as hatchers, and in both, the routine management of an incubator plant was carried out, from the reception of the egg to the removal of the hatchery machines.

Experimental design

The experiment was established as a completely randomized design, with a 2x2 factorial arrangement, with 2 concentrations of CO2 from the incubator (3000 vs. 4000 ppm), and 2 egg weights (65 and 70 g); the treatments were divided into 2 subsequent groups with 2 treatments per group. Previously, a selection was made where broken, dirty, microfractured, deformed and out-of-weight eggs were discarded. The eggs were identified individually, with an indelible ink marker on the wide surface where the air chamber is located. The incubator machines were kept at the same temperature per stage throughout the incubation process; 37.8 °C during day 0, 37.6 °C from day 1 to 8, 37.5 °C from day 9 to 11 and 37.2 °C from day 12 to 21. The RH was kept at 50% throughout the ncubation process. The CO2 concentration was monitored throughout the incubation process, to verify that it remained within the ranges established in the research protocol.

The response criteria were individual weight of the eggs before incubation and during the transfer on day 18, to determine by weight difference the moisture loss, hatchability, body weight and size (measurement from the peak to the middle finger without considering the nail).

Blood parameter measurements

Twenty embryos were randomized for use in determining blood parameters. Blood was extracted from the jugular vein of the embryos or chickens, with a 1 mL syringe and a 30 gauge needle, and collected in heparinized tubes. Subsequently, blood was drawn in a heparinized capillary (150 μL) and immediately presented to a blood gas analyzer (GEM Premier 3000; Instrumentation Laboratory., Lexington, Massachusetts), to determine the glucose, hematocrit and plasma protein response criteria.

Statistical analysis

The data were processed using the statistical program (SAS, System, v. 8.2, Cary, NC). The distributions of means and residuals were examined to verify the assumptions of the model. The hatchability, chick weight, moisture loss, chick size, glucose, hematocrit and plasma proteins were analyzed by sampling time; using general linear regression (PROC GLM), with 2 CO2 concentrations, 2 egg weights and their interaction as class variables. For all parameters, chick was considered as the experimental unit. A Tukey multiple comparison test was performed, when the group effect was found to be significant (P <0.05). The data expressed in percentages were transformed to the arc-sine proportion for analysis.


In table 1, it is observed that the highest percentage of hatchability was with the concentration of 3000 ppm of CO2, and with 65 g in egg weight. The CO2 levels considered in the experiment did not affect the weight of the chicken; therefore, the treatments with 70 g eggs obtained heavier chickens. The lowest percentage in moisture loss with respect to CO2 concentration was recorded at 4000 ppm and without statistical differences (P <0.05), between eggs with 65 and 70 g. The largest size of the chicken with respect to the CO2 concentration was observed at 3000 ppm and without statistical differences between eggs with 65 and 70 g.

Table 1 Effects of 2 incubator carbon dioxide concentrations (3000 and 4000 ppm) and 2 egg weights (65 and 70g) on hatchability, chick weight, moisture loss, chick size, glucose, hematocrit and proteins plasma (n = 20 per CO2 × egg weight) 

Factor Hatchability (%) Chicken weight (g) Moisture loss (%) Chicken size (cm) Glucose (mg/dL) Hematocrit (%) Plasma proteins (g/dL)
CO2 (ppm)
3000 88.10a 46.53 10.19a 19.44a 200.05 33.60 2.43b
4000 86.40b 47.00 8.70b 18.44b 188.85 36.80 2.71a
Mean square error 2.77 2.91 2.59 0.22 373.53 12.05 0.17
Egg weight (g)
65 88.10a 44.99b 9.49 18.83 195.20 34.60 2.56
70 86.40b 48.54a 9.41 19.06 193.70 35.80 2.59
Mean square error 2.77 2.91 2.59 0.22 373.53 12.05 0.17
CO2 (ppm) x egg weight (g)
3000 x 65 88.60 44.13 10.51 19.44 195.60 34.30 2.34
3000 x 70 87.60 48.93 9.87 19.45 204.50 32.90 2.53
4000 x 65 87.60 45.85 8.47 18.22 194.80 34.90 2.78
4000 x 70 85.20 48.16 8.94 18.67 182.90 38.70 2.65
CO2 0.03 0.38 <.0001 <.0001 0.07 0.006 0.04
Peso del huevo 0.03 <.0001 0.62 0.13 0.80 0.28 0.82
CO2 x peso del huevo 0.36 0.02 0.0007 0.15 0.09 0.02 0.23

a,b The least squares means followed by different superscripts within a column and factor are significantly different (P <0.05).

In Table 1, it is observed that the combination between CO2 concentrations and egg weights did not show differences within the group (65 and 70 g, respectively); but it occurred between groups, with the lowest chicken weight (P <0.05), in the treatment that combines 3000 ppm of CO2 with 65 g eggs. Regarding chicken size, the result with the largest size was observed in the combination of 3000 ppm of CO2, with eggs of 65 and 70 g. Blood glucose concentration did not show differences in both factors. The highest percentage of hematocrit with respect to CO2 concentration was recorded at 4000 ppm and without statistical differences (P <0.05), between eggs with 65 and 70 g. The highest concentration of plasma proteins with respect to the concentration of CO2, was recorded at 4000 ppm. The result with the highest percentage of hematocrit was recorded in the combination of 4000 ppm of CO2, with eggs of 70 g.


Hatchability (it is the ability of the egg to hatch) improves with a lower concentration of CO2 (Fathollahipour et al., 2018). In the present work, it was found that the lower concentration of CO2 improves hatchability; so the integrity of the shell plays an important role for gas exchange. Then, when the embryo reaches day 18 of incubation, lung respiration begins, where thyroid hormone plays an important role in the lung surfactant development (Hamidu et al., 2018). The process of pulmonary respiration contributes O2 to the chicken embryo (Deeming, 2016). However, the lung respiration maturation without having the shell intact, and with the increase in the metabolic demand for O2 at the end of incubation, cause an increase in pCO2 and a decrease in pO2 in the air chamber, (Flores-Santin et al., 2018), activating the birth trigger mechanism (Ramachandran and McDaniel, 2018). So the normal ED of the chicken depends on the air changes that take place through the chorioallantoic membrane (John, 2017), which, together with shell pores, carries out the exchanges of O2 and CO2 between the blood and the environment (Deeming, 2016).

The shell is the main responsible for the difference between pCO2 and water vapor, where the O2 flow is affected by the shell and the inner membrane (Ramachandran and McDaniel, 2018); so it may be one of the main reasons why hatchability was not effective at a higher level of CO2. In the same way, the conductance of the gas in the shell depends on the ratio of the area of the pore to its length; in the end, this relationship is equivalent to shell thickness (Cordeiro and Hincke, 2016).

In the present study, it was observed that by having a lower concentration of CO2 in the environment, hatching was improved; since a hypoxic condition was not created at the end of the incubation process and pO2 and pCO2 in the air chamber were not affected. When embryos are subjected to hypoxic conditions during the incubation process, the body growth, beak and legs is inhibited; as mentioned (Burggren and Elmonoufy, 2017). In the experiment, chicken weight was not affected by the different CO2 concentrations, but the chickens that came from eggs with 70 g were heavier. In this regard, it is known that chicken weight is directly related to egg weight (D'Alba et al., 2017). The chicken size was greater when the CO2 concentration was 3000 ppm, these data suggest that if the embryos develop in environmental conditions with a low O2 concentration, they lose weight during pecking and hatching (Ramachandran and McDaniel, 2018). Therefore, embryos in dense conditions of ambient O2 gain weight. This implies that embryos in O2- rich environmental settings are better metabolically prepared to initiate pecking and birth (Deeming, 2016).

In the study, chicken size was used as a quality criterion to determine the productive performance of the flock; on the other hand, the glycogen content in body tissues is important in the physiological requirement at the time of initiating the pecking (Maatjens et al., 2014a; Maatjens et al., 2014b). Similarly, it directly influences embryo survival; thus, in the study, the CO2 conditions did not affect the blood glucose levels in the chickens, which may condition birds’ vitality on the farm.

The hematocrit level showed a slightly higher numerical trend in the treatment with a higher concentration of CO2, information similar to that reported by Scheele et al. (2003) who quantified elevated hematocrit values as a result of an increase in the erythropoietic response. The plasma protein concentration was lower when the CO2 conditions were kept at 4000 ppm. These data suggest that in CO2-rich environments, the erythropoietic response is used more (Ramachandran and McDaniel, 2018), and as a consequence the concentration of plasma proteins is reduced, as observed in the present study.

During chicken ED, commercial incubators handle concentrations of 4000 ppm of CO2; but with the results obtained, it is suggested to lower said concentration to 3000 ppm, mainly to improve hatchability.


3000 ppm CO2 concentrations improve hatchability, moisture loss and chick size; it also has low levels of plasma proteins.


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Received: August 25, 2020; Accepted: November 28, 2020; Published: December 20, 2020

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