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Scientia fungorum

versión On-line ISSN 2594-1321


ROCHA-ESTRADA, Alejandra; ALVARADO-VAZQUEZ, Marco A.  y  GUZMAN-LUCIO, Marco A.. Aeromicrofunga of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Incidence of Epicoccum, Ganoderma, Pithomyces and Torula. Sci. fungorum [online]. 2020, vol.50, e1291.  Epub 10-Mar-2021. ISSN 2594-1321.


The aeromicrofunga refers to the airborne fungal contributors of the environment.


To study the incidence of spores of Epicoccum, Ganoderma, Pithomyces and Torula in the air of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico.


A Burkard volumetric collector was used, placed at an approximate height of 15 m and elevated 1.5 m from the roof in the main building of Unit C of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon. It was reviewed weekly and the samples were carried to the Plant Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory to be identified and quantified the anemophilic spores.

Results and conclusions.

A spore index total of 54595 spores. The month that showed the highest spore index was December with 15458. For the morphological types studied, an Epicoccum spore index of 114, Ganoderma spore index of 347, Pithomyces spore index of 218 and 412 for Torula. The Spearman correlation between meteorological variables and spores, indicate that the wind speed and the average temperature show negative and significant correlation for the types of spores in study.

Palabras llave : spore index; fungi; Mexico.

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