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vol.61 número2Aliarse (regionalmente) contra la Covid-19: Sica y CaricomLa gobernanza global de la salud y los límites de las redes de expertos en la respuesta al brote de la Covid-19 en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Foro internacional

versión impresa ISSN 0185-013X


VENTURA, Deisy de Freitas Lima  y  BUENO, Flávia Thedim Costa. From global health leader to pariah: Brazil as a laboratory for “epidemiological neoliberalism” in the face of Covid-19. Foro int [online]. 2021, vol.61, n.2, pp.427-467.  Epub 18-Jun-2021. ISSN 0185-013X.

The institutional strategy for the spread of Covid-19 implemented by the federal government of Brazil is a radical expression of neoliberalism in the field of health, which may be defined as epidemiological neoliberalism. This promotion of mass immunity by contagion, seen as both scientifically mistaken and ethically unacceptable, is directly opposed to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The renunciation of Brazil’s former leadership on global health issues and regional health cooperation is also explained by the ideological character of its new foreign policy and the militarization of the Ministry of Health.

Palabras llave : Brazil, Covid-19; neoliberalism; global health; WHO.

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