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vol.51 número205Representación política y participación ciudadana en las democraciasInstituciones, democracia y desigualdad social: aproximaciones al caso mexicano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales

versión impresa ISSN 0185-1918


GARCIA, José Guillermo. Los mecanismos de democracia directa como procedimientos institucionales de participación ciudadana en Argentina. Rev. mex. cienc. polít. soc [online]. 2009, vol.51, n.205, pp.77-96. ISSN 0185-1918.

The incorporation of the popular legislative initiative, the revocatory of the mandate and the referendum in municipal legislations of almost all of the Latin American countries are examples of change to access the system that offer new channels for the people to manifest their demands and wills, political resources that were non existent until on ly a quarter of century ago. In this sense, this essay has as its objective to analyze the potential that, as institutional mechanisms of citizen participation in the administration of local governments, have the forms of direct democracy that have been formally established at a municipal level in Argentina.

Palabras llave : instituciones de democracia directa; estructura de oportunidad política; descentralización; municipios; participación ciudadana.

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