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vol.61 número76La historia de la filosofía como tarea filosófica. Consideraciones a partir de HeideggerJosé Revueltas: conocimiento estético y militancia comunista índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0185-2450


QUEPONS, Ignacio. Horizon and Mood in Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology. Diánoia [online]. 2016, vol.61, n.76, pp.83-112. ISSN 0185-2450.

The paper suggests a possible systematization of the notion of mood or Stimmung according to Edmund Husserl's phenomenological investigations. The aim of such systematization is to explain the constitution of mood as experience of sense, through the different concepts of horizon that appear along the writings of Husserl. In order to sustain the main thesis, the paper presents a synthesis of Husserl's doctrine of horizon intentionality, followed by the analysis of the essential features of the lived-experience of mood, and afterwards, a possible description of the different layers of the horizons implied in the constitution of the world surround, coherent with the livedexperience of mood.

Palabras llave : emotions; intentionality; sense; life-world; experience.

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