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Acta poética

versión On-line ISSN 2448-735Xversión impresa ISSN 0185-3082


MELENDEZ GUERRERO, Luis Gustavo. The Drama of Anguish and Religious Experience in “Vigilias: Diario de un soñador” of Octavio Paz. Acta poét [online]. 2020, vol.41, n.2, pp.111-128.  Epub 22-Oct-2020. ISSN 2448-735X.

In spite of the early essay “Vigilias: Diario de un soñador” being an unusually commented work among Paz’s specialists, it is pertinent to consider it as an important text in order to understand the whole gestating process about one of the main topics in Paz’s work: the experience of solitude and the desire of communion. In this sense, “Diario de un soñador” could be understood as a personal process, in which Octavio Paz revealed his own religious search, sometimes as a vacuum experience, others, as plenty of anguish.

Palabras llave : Anguish; Religion; Poetry; Solitude; Communion.

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