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Salud mental

versión impresa ISSN 0185-3325


ROMO NAVA, Francisco; TAFOYA, Silvia A.  y  HEINZE, Gerhard. A Comparative study on depression and associated factors between medical student of first and last academic years. Salud Ment [online]. 2013, vol.36, n.5, pp.375-379. ISSN 0185-3325.

The prevalence of depression in Medical Students (MS) is higher than in the general population and changes with time. It is not known whether the prevalence of depression is higher and the associated factors different between students that initiate the last and first academic years in Medical School. Objective To compare the prevalence of depression and the associated factors in MS that start their academic courses in the first and the last academic years. Methods This is a cross sectional, observational and analytical study. A total of 1871 MS participated: 1240 were in the initiation of the first academic year, and 631 in the initiation of the last academic year. Participants answered a written survey conformed by a questionnaire about risk factors for depression and assessed for current depression with the Patients Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results The prevalence of depression (PHQ-9>10) was significantly higher in last year MS compared to first year MS (5.7 vs. 3.5%). The percentage of MS with a personal history of depression was higher in last year compared to first year MS (12.1% vs. 7.1%), as was the mean for previous depressive episodes (3.2 vs. 1.6). The age of onset for depressive episodes was higher in the last year group. Conclussions The prevalence of depression in MS that initiated the academic year is higher in the last year than at the beginning of the first year of the career, and could be attributed, among other factors, to a cumulative phenomenon resulting from the allostatic load that this academic process currently generates. A personal history of depression and other situational factors are associated to the presence of depression in a differential manner according to the academic year and should be considered in future studies.

Palabras llave : Depression; internship; first year; medical students.

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