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Salud mental

versión impresa ISSN 0185-3325


RAMOS LIRA, Luciana; FUENTES DE ITURBE, Patricia; FLORES CELIS, Karla  y  RUIZ CORTES, Eunice. Evaluation of an online intervention evaluation to prevent violence in youths and adolescents: Preliminary results on its effectiveness with health professionals. Salud Ment [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.3, pp.195-204. ISSN 0185-3325.

The Interactive Intervention Model, called "It is Better Without Violence", derives from psychosocial research carried out at the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz. The objective of this article is to evaluate the acquisition and consolidation of the knowledge, and the modification of the attitudes associated with violence in participants of this online intervention. The convening was open to health personnel from all over the country. One hundred and thirty-two health services providers participated. These were submitted to an ad hoc questionnaire to evaluate their knowledge on violence and intolerant attitudes, before and after the intervention. Pre- and post-intervention differences for all the items were analyzed individually and by dimension, and they were regrouped to render three dimensions with a higher consistency: 1. Overall knowledge about violence (α =.50), 2. Violence types and effects (α=.63), 3. Intolerant attitudes towards difference (α=.58). Significant differences were found for the first (t(131)=4.1, p<.000) and second (t(131)=6.6, p<.0001, dimensions, but not so for the last where the change did not reach statistical significance. This points out to an increase in the knowledge of the elements which allow for the recognition of a violent act. This is important because it indicates that, after the intervention, participants are able to identify if they suffer or exert violence. The increase in the knowledge of participants is consistent with their evaluation of the resources of the online intervention in terms of the relevance and usefulness of the information. Even though attitudes tend to be stable and harder to modify, lower levels of intolerance were observed after the intervention. Given that this dimension is associated with possible discrimination practices towards the "different ones" and these are associated with the exertion of violence, reviewing the intervention content and the instrument itself is proposed in order to achieve changes.

Palabras llave : Online intervention; violence prevention; young people; health care personnel.

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