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vol.31 número124Hidropolítica del Candelaria: del análisis de la cuenca al estudio de las interacciones entre el río y la sociedad Ribereña índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7554versión impresa ISSN 0185-3929


ARRIOJA DIAZ VIRUELL, Luis Alberto. Two Visions of One Problem: Communal Indian Lands in Oaxaca and Michoacán, 1824-1857. Relac. Estud. hist. soc. [online]. 2010, vol.31, n.124, pp.143-185. ISSN 2448-7554.

This article attempts to demonstrate the position adopted by the republican governments of Oaxaca and Michoacán in relation to one particular component of their reality: communal Indian lands. In addition, it strives to reveal how political authorities visualized those lands from 1824 to 1857, the rhetoric they constructed, and the legal actions they implemented in this respect.

Palabras llave : anticorporativism; disamortization; Indian towns; communal lands; liberal legislation.

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