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 número84"Esta descompostura general de la servidumbre". Las trabajadoras del servicio doméstico en la modernización argentina. Córdoba, 1869-1906"El gobierno de la calle": Diarios, movilizaciones y política en el Buenos Aires del novecientos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2395-8464versión impresa ISSN 0186-0348


RODRIGUEZ VAZQUEZ, Florencia. Human Resource Training for Mendoza Grape and Wine Growing: Challenges, Changes and Continuities in Agricultural Teaching in Mendoza, Argentina (1873-1920). Secuencia [online]. 2012, n.84, pp.73-96. ISSN 2395-8464.

This paper provides an overall assessment of the technical human resource training policy implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation between 1873 and 1920. In particular, it analyzes the incidence of this national policy on the grape and wine producing economy and the contribution of educational and knowledge-creating establishments based on production founded during this period in the provinces. To this end, it analyzes the careers of the National Grape and Wine Producing School in the local state and productive sectors.

Palabras llave : Agricultural education; grape and wine growing; Mendoza.

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