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Acta pediátrica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8235versión impresa ISSN 0186-2391


PEREZ-CABALLERO-MACARRON, C et al. Transfusion related acute lung injury in paediatric patients. Case report and review of the literature. Acta pediatr. Méx [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.6, pp.386-393. ISSN 2395-8235.

Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) is characterized by the onset of acute noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema within the first six hours following transfusion of blood products. The overall incidence seems underestimated in critically ill children, considering that the symptoms could be overlapping with the underlying disease. It is a serious complication and it is considered the major cause of transfusion-related death. The therapy is supportive and the prevention focuses in three major points: donor selection, the suitable storage of blood products and avoid unnecessary transfusions. We present a case of severe TRALI in a child following packed red blood cells transfusion from a multiparous woman donor. It is mandatory to report TRALI paediatric cases in order to understand the outcome in children.

Palabras llave : transfusion related acute lung injury; blood transfusion complication; children.

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