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Acta pediátrica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8235versión impresa ISSN 0186-2391


MERIDA-VIEYRA, J; AQUINO-ANDRADE, A; RIBAS-APARICIO, RM  y  DE COLSA-RANERO, A. Changing the paradigms of M. pneumoniae infection in pediatrics. Acta pediatr. Méx [online]. 2017, vol.38, n.6, pp.412-426. ISSN 2395-8235.

Atypical pneumonia is a term that was used originally in adult patients who had atypical pneumonia symptoms, usually with mild and benign courses, and were caused by agents such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila. In pediatric patients, the clinical and epidemiological aspects of M. pneumoniae pneumonia need special attention, because in some cases do not have benign courses and sometimes they have extrapulmonary manifestations. The diagnostic approach is complex and doing a differential diagnosis from other etiological agents is complicated. Recently, the emergence of macrolide resistance in some countries has been alarming. There are controversies regarding antibiotic treatment. Worldwide, several studies, particularly from Asian countries, had shown new data regarding the biological, clinical, epidemiological, radiological and therapeutic response of M. pneumoniae in pediatric patients.

Palabras llave : Mycoplasma pneumoniae; paediatric patients; pneumonia; atypical pneumonia.

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