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Archivos de neurociencias (México, D.F.)

versión On-line ISSN 1028-5938versión impresa ISSN 0187-4705


ARVIZU SALDANA, Emiliano; VALES HIDALGO, Olivia; HINOJOSA, Ramón  y  REYES MORENO, Ignacio. Microvascular decompresion for hemifacial spasm. Arch. Neurocien. (Mex., D.F.) [online]. 2004, vol.9, n.4, pp.189-194. ISSN 1028-5938.

The hemifacial spasm is an involuntary paroxistic contraction of the facial muscle, appears more frecuently in the left side and in females and seldom disapears by itself. Has being treated with botulin inyections with poor results. We present 116 decompressions that were done to 88 patients in a 10 years period 1992 -2002. All patients had previous medical treatment. They were operated with microsurgical techique and were followed from 1 to 133 months. The results we excellent in 70.45 % after the first operation, good in 6.82% and poor in 20.45%. At the final long observation were excellent in 81.82% good in 6.82 % and poor in 11.36%. The main complications were hipoacusia and transitory facial paresis. We belive that the surgical treatment is the best option for this condition.

Palabras llave : facial hemispasm; vascular decompression; follow up results; complications.

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