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vol.9 número4El doctor Rafael Lavista y las primeras intervenciones sobre tumores cerebrales y cirugía de la epilepsia en México 1982Tratamiento microquirúrgico con apoyo estereotáctico de aneurisma de la arteria cerebral anterior distal basado en la angiotomografía cerebral helicoidal índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos de neurociencias (México, D.F.)

versión On-line ISSN 1028-5938versión impresa ISSN 0187-4705


FERNANDEZ JAEN, A et al. Sturge Weber syndrome with epilepsy and bilateral intracranial calcifications at the neonatal period. Arch. Neurocien. (Mex., D.F.) [online]. 2004, vol.9, n.4, pp.233-236. ISSN 1028-5938.

The Sturge Weber syndrome is an unfrequent neurocutaneous disorder characterized by the association of a venous angioma of the pia mater with a port-wine stain of the face. Bilateral facial nevi are not uncommon and have been seen in 30% of patients; 25% of these cases have bilateral leptomeningeal angiomatosis. Partial seizures are usually the first neurologic manifestation and frequently begin in the first months of life. CT scan can show the characteristic intracranial calcifications, although they are rarely present at birth. We report a rare case of Sturge Weber disease with an early onset of seizures, bilateral facial nevi and intracranial calcification at the neonatal periodo.

Palabras llave : Sturge Weber; leptomeningeal angiomatosis; intracranial calcification; facial nevi.

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