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Comunicación y sociedad

versión impresa ISSN 0188-252X


REGUILLO, Rossana. Saber y poder de representación: la(s) disputa(s) por el espacio interpretativo. Comun. soc [online]. 2008, n.9, pp.11-33. ISSN 0188-252X.

The article deals with the analysis of the relations between knowledge and power of representation, which is defined here as the one power that, is able to build and configure visibility and sense of reality, stabilizing some senses on the social world and its operation. I want to locate the discussion in the context of neoliberalism / neo-conservatism, under the assumption that these forms sharpen the dispute over the "ownership" of interpretive space. Through two major analyzers (authoritarian representations and therapeutic representations), we discuss some changes in the status of knowledge and forms of legitimacy and the central role of various actors in this play: media communication, schools, and cultural industries, among others.

Palabras llave : politics of representation; knowledge; neoliberalism; communication; power; interpretative space.

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