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vol.28 número56Desde el norte hacia el sur: esclavizados fugitivos en la frontera texano-mexicanaLos refugiados guatemaltecos y la frontera-frente de discriminación, explotación y desigualdad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-850Xversión impresa ISSN 0188-7017


BEAUDOIN DUQUETTE, Alexandre. Disarming the Stereotyped Border from the Contextual Art of a Colombian Woman in Quebec. Alteridades [online]. 2018, vol.28, n.56, pp.35-46. ISSN 2448-850X.

This paper explores the possibilities of disarming the Canadian migratory propaganda from the perspective of Constanza Camelo Suárez, a Colombian visual artist living in the province of Quebec. To this effect, a counterpoint between two discourses is created (one from the State and the other from an artist), in which the incompatibilities between them are analyzed. This counterpoint is about two concepts: a stereotyped border (fixed, immobile and closed; an obstacle to knowledge) and a dissonant border (flexible, mobile and open; a necessary step towards knowledge).

Palabras llave : mobilities; stereotypes; dissonance; diasporas; Canada; migration; multiculturalism.

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