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Problemas del desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 0301-7036


FRANCO MARTINEZ, Juan Agustín. Economía y agroerosión en el sur de España. Prob. Des [online]. 2008, vol.39, n.154, pp.135-156. ISSN 0301-7036.

This paper studies the agro-environmental problem caused by the erosion of the soil in southern Spain's olive groves, seen as a phenomenon deriving from economic development. It therefore reviews the European regulations on the environmental impact in the agrarian sector as a consequence of macroeconomic policies favoring intensive production. It also reviews the scientific literature on the economic dimension of agrarian innovations relating to the adoption of soil conservation practices. An empirical study is made of the economic productivity of a sample of 582 olive grove lots in the Andalusian provinces of Granada and Jaén in 2004, selected for their medium and high levels of soil erosion.

Palabras llave : economic productivity; soil erosion; agro-environmental legislation; Mediterranean basin; olive grove.

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