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Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México

versión impresa ISSN 0366-2128


HERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ, Victoria; TERRAZAS, Teresa  y  DELGADILLO MOYA, Claudio. The Dryopteris patula complex (Dryopteridaceae) in Mexico: morphometric analyses. Bol. Soc. Bot. Méx [online]. 2009, n.85, pp.103-112. ISSN 0366-2128.

We studied collections from four species of the Dryopterispatula complex (D. cinnamomea, D. patula, D. rosea, and D. rossii) to identify the morphological characters that distinguish them from one another. D. maxonii and D. wallichiana were included as comparative species to evaluate characters that distinguish species within the complex. Quantitative characters were examined through principal component and canonical discriminant analyses, and both qualitative and quantitative characters were used to obtain phenograms. Multivariate analyses determined that basal pinna length, stipe scale length, number of pinna pairs, and frond length are the variables that discriminate among D. rossii and the other species of the complex. The phenogram showed two groups. One included D. maxonii and D. wallichiana, while the second grouped the four species of the complex. These species were distinguished by the shape and margin of their rhizome scales, color of stipe, and shape of the blade. A combination of morphological characters supports the recognition of the four species as valid. An identification key is given and a taxonomic treatment is presented for each of the taxa.

Palabras llave : discriminant analysis; Dryopteris cinnamomea; Dryopteris rosea; Dryopteris rossii; phenogram; pinnae; scales.

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