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vol.46 número2Acid-base equilibrium studies of 2-(aminomethyl)benzimidazole in aqueous solutionEvidence for a Strained Cyclic Allene in the Ring Closure Reaction of Enynylketenes índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Sociedad Química de México

versión impresa ISSN 0583-7693


MUNOZ-ZURITA, Alejandro; SANDOVAL-RAMIREZ, Jesús; PARRA-CID, Carmen  y  LIMON-PEREZ DE LEON, Daniel. Efecto de la (E)-3-butil-8-estiri1-1-propilxantina sobre la asimetría motora en rata. Rev. Soc. Quím. Méx [online]. 2002, vol.46, n.2, pp.131-135. ISSN 0583-7693.

Herein we describe the synthesis of (E)-3-butyl-1-propyl-8-styrylxanthine (A15Bu) starting from 6-aminouracil (6) and a biological study with the antiparkinsonian experimental model of rotational behavior using Wistar rats. When the xanthine derivative A15Bu was administered to rats lesioned with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) at the substantia nigra pars compacta, the asymmetric motor behavior was reduced by 75 %.

Palabras llave : Adenosine receptors antagonist; xanthines; chemoselectivity; antiparkinsonian drugs; asymmetric motor model.

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