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 número44Constitucionalismo y democracia: una revisión crítica del argumento contra-epistémicoDemocracia, derechos y regla de mayoría: una mirada a partir de la teoría de Norberto Bobbio índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1405-0218


ALLES, Nicolás E.. Moral Truth and Democracy in Carlos Nino. Considerations on Constructivism, Moral Knowledge and Deliberation. Isonomía [online]. 2016, n.44, pp.99-126. ISSN 1405-0218.

The article discusses some features of Carlos Nino's account of moral truth. We will focus on two aspects of this account. First, we will argue against an interpretation according to which Nino's ideas of moral truth and deliberative democracy resemble a Platonic model. From our point of view Nino's constructivism impedes the adoption of a transcendent position. Second, we will try to highlight the inconsistencies around the idea of individual access to moral truth. To account this, it will be necessary to focus on Nino's understanding of moral knowledge.

Palabras llave : Nino; deliberation; truth; knowledge; constructivism.

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