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versión On-line ISSN 2448-5799versión impresa ISSN 1405-1435
ECHAVARRIA ALVAREZ, Josefina. Pedagogies for Reconciliation: Artistic Practices for Peacemaking in Colombia. Convergencia [online]. 2020, vol.27, e12788. Epub 29-Mayo-2020. ISSN 2448-5799.
In the face of the challenges to the implementation of the Final Agreement between the Colombian government and the guerrillas FARC-EP, artistic practices give life to peacebuilding and reconciliation, constituting key elements for the pedagogies for reconciliation. It starts with a literature review on peace research proposals that highlight the Philosophy for Peace and the capacities of individuals and communities to reconcile in plural and diverse ways. Afterwards, the article discusses the institutional architecture of the Transitional Justice System, with emphasis on the Truth Commission. Finally, the text shows three qualitative research examples of auto-ethnography, semi-structured interview and focus groups about the photography exhibition The Witness (El Testigo)by Jesús Abad Colorado, the documentary films of Daniela Abad Lombana and the Association More Art More Peace (Más Arte MásPaz). The research results serve to draw key findings regarding the pedagogies for reconciliation in the Colombian post-accord context.
Palabras llave : Colombia; Post-Agreement; Reconciliation; Philosophy for Peace; Arts; Pedagogy; Conflict Transformation..