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vol.67 número1Una nueva especie de Diaulax Bell, 1863 (Brachyura: Dromoidea) en el Cretácico Inferior de la Formación Rosablanca, ColombiaGeocronología de depósitos minerales mexicanos. I: el skarn polimetálico de San Martín, Zacatecas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1405-3322


DELGADILLO-ESCOBAR, Ariel Armando; RODRIGUEZ-DE LA ROSA, Rubén A.; SAENZ-QUINONES, Adriana Ivonne  y  GUTIERREZ-MARTINEZ, Jesús Abraham. The first record of Onchosaurus (†Sclerorhynchidae) from the Late Cretaceous of northern Mexico. Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex [online]. 2015, vol.67, n.1, pp.113-117. ISSN 1405-3322.

The fossil record of sclerorhynchid elasmobranchs in Mexico has been relatively scarce. In this paper we report a partial rostral tooth assigned to the cosmopolitan genus Onchosaurus (†Sclerorhynchidae), originally preserved in a shell-bed matrix, collected at the Potrero del Llano locality, municipality of Aldama, Chihuahua, Mexico. The specimen most likely came from the Upper Cretaceous San Carlos Formation. The tooth has morpho-anatomical features that allow its attribution to the species Onchosaurus cf. O. pharao, which has been previously described from localities in Egypt, Niger, DR of Congo, Angola, Syria, Japan, U.S.A., Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The rostral tooth represents the first record of Onchosaurus in Mexico and the fourth in North America, thus expanding its paleobiogeographic distribution.

Palabras llave : Chihuahua; Cretaceous; Batoidea; Sclerorhynchidae; Onchosaurus.

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