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Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0732versión impresa ISSN 1405-7743


HERRERA-MORALES, C.A.. Aplicación del enfoque sistémico en el diseño de los sistemas de transporte ferroviario de carga. Ing. invest. y tecnol. [online]. 2005, vol.6, n.4, pp.299-308. ISSN 2594-0732.

Although the de sign of the cargo rail systems is not are cent topic, the constant tech no logical evolution in this subject, next to the emergence of new planning tools, now a days, make it an entire challenge to achieve a good de sign and, consequently, an efficient operation of such systems. A portion of the problem dwells on the fact that regardless of how much it has been investigated about the improvement and modernization concerning the planning of the operations and the circulation of the trains, it has not been de voted the same effort to the optimization of the de sign process. The following work, offers a guide to approach the de sign of a cargo rail way transportation system, under some premises of the systems approach, the normative planning and the planning by stages. With the final objective of guaran teeing the efficient operation of the whole de sign. It is necessary to high light that the approach “by elements” that has been given to this guide, aids its expansion into the de sign of other modal systems of transportation as such key elements (vehicles, roads, control system, etc) are com mon to all systems. Finally, it is possible to highligh that although the orientation of the work is toward the de sign of the new systems, the premises and recommended strategies could also work as reference for the evaluation of various reengineering options in the rail road operations already established.

Palabras llave : Approach of systems; normative planning; planning by levels; dynamics of the train; itinerary; level of service; circulation capacity.

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