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Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0732versión impresa ISSN 1405-7743


GONZALEZ-VELANDIA, Krystle Danitza; SANCHEZ-BERNAL, Ruth; PITA-CASTANEDA, Diber Jeannette  y  PEREZ-NAVAR, Luisa Fernanda. Mechanical characterization of a non-structural earth brick as support of vegetable material in green walls. Ing. invest. y tecnol. [online]. 2019, vol.20, n.3, e030.  Epub 15-Oct-2019. ISSN 2594-0732.

In the search for materials for sustainable construction, adobe bricks play an important role in generating less negative environmental impact than other materials. Proof of this is the large number of research projects focused on improving the properties of the bricks such as resistance or durability. The present work studied the mechanical properties of bricks composed by a mixture of soil, clay, sand and dried vegetable fibers. On this selected mixture, the germination of plants on the surface of the brick and its mechanical properties were studied. We found that the selected mixture has less resistance to compression than other adobe bricks, but on the other hand the vegetable fiber confers more stability on them. Additionally, the combination of the materials conduces to obtain less dense bricks, with higher absorption of water, which facilitated the growth of plants on the surface, gaining more stability due to the network of plant roots. These findings allow us to conclude that it is possible the application of these bricks in the construction of medium height green walls.

Palabras llave : Rammed earth; adobe brick; green wall; green construction.

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