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Ingeniería, investigación y tecnología

versión On-line ISSN 2594-0732versión impresa ISSN 1405-7743


CARPIO-PACHECO, Cesar; GONZALEZ-CUEVAS, Oscar Manuel  y  ARELLANO-MENDEZ, Eduardo. Nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete frames designed with different ductility leves. Ing. invest. y tecnol. [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.1, e1847.  Epub 25-Mayo-2023. ISSN 2594-0732.

An analytical study is carried out on the static and dynamic nonlinear behavior of three reinforced concrete buildings with moment-resisting frames. The buildings have 3, 9 and 14 levels and were designed according to requirements of the new version of Mexico’s City Code for Concrete Structures (NTCC, 2017). This Code includes special requirements for structures with low ductility (Q = 2), medium ductility (Q = 3) and high ductility (Q = 4). For the nonlinear analyzes and to check the behavior of the structures, the rotation moment diagrams presented in the NTCC (2017) were used, in addition to taking into account the deterioration in the structural elements due to the load repetitions in a seismic event. Data from this research is being verified by testing physical specimens.

Palabras llave : Moment resisting frames; nonlinear behavior; ductility; rotation moment diagrams; deterioration.

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