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TIP. Revista especializada en ciencias químico-biológicas

versión impresa ISSN 1405-888X


PIERLOT, Romain et al. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in American children and adolescents. TIP [online]. 2017, vol.20, n.1, pp.40-49. ISSN 1405-888X.


To analyze the prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) and its components in children and adolescents in American continent.


Information was collected from scientific papers published from 2008 to 2016 in PubMed, Europe PMC, and SciELO databases. Only those studies showing quantitative data from MS components in 4-19 years old children and adolescents were included.


Twenty-three studies in 12 countries in American continent were analyzed, only three studies considered age factor. Obesity and dyslipidemias were highly prevalent; while hyperglycemia and hypertension had a low prevalence. Hypoalipoproteinemia, hypertension and MS were more frequent in males than in females. Few studies analyzed risk factors for MS.


Similarly, to other continents, the presence of MS and its components in American children and adolescents is variable. This review shows the necessity to have clear diagnostic criteria for MS in children and adolescents, as well as the urgency to get preventive strategies for metabolic alterations at young age, involving family, society, and public institutions.

Palabras llave : diabetes; dyslipidemias; hypertension; obesity; metabolic syndrome.

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