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vol.4 número36Residencia y convivencia en familias combinadas de la ciudad de MéxicoSer padre fuera de la familia: subjetividad y vínculos de varones padres que ya no viven con sus hijos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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La ventana. Revista de estudios de género

versión impresa ISSN 1405-9436


PAREDES BANUELOS, Paloma. Pobreza al femenino: entre la perspectiva de género y el paradigma del desarrollo. La ventana [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.36, pp.257-291. ISSN 1405-9436.

The aim  of this paper is to draw attention on the political origin of the concept of development. It shows that, more than a concept, development could be understood as a paradigm that determines the way we see, define and intervene the world. Moreover, the paper makes a historical review of how gender perspective has been included in the study of  poverty, and the resulting policies directed to attend this phenomenon. Additionally, the paper mentions the contributions of gender perspective to the study of poverty in an ampler sense than the intervention one. Finally, it presents further questions about the course that poverty studies with a gender perspective should follow, and the need of a new paradigm -alternative to the development one- that will help us understand, redefine and change social reality.

Palabras llave : development; development as a paradigm; development studies; poverty; gender.

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