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Archivos de cardiología de México

versión On-line ISSN 1665-1731versión impresa ISSN 1405-9940


EVANS-MEZA, Ronald; PEREZ-FALLAS, José  y  BONILLA-CARRION, Roger. Analysis of cerebrovascular disease mortality in Costa Rica between the years 1920-2009. Arch. Cardiol. Méx. [online]. 2016, vol.86, n.4, pp.358-366. ISSN 1665-1731.


To analyze the trend in mortality from cerebrovascular diseases in Costa Rica and its impact on overall mortality from 1920 to 2009.


Crude rates by triennium and quinquennium were obtained. We also obtanied age standardized rates in the age group 35-74 years during the period 1970-2009. Finally we got the death percentage from stroke in relation to overall mortality.


The trend for the period 1920-1969 was to the upside (r=0.82, r2 =0.67, betha 0.30; P≤0.00) whereas for the period 1970 occurred otherwise (r=0.42, r2 =0.18, betha −0064; P=0.01). Adjusted for the group 35-74 years between 1970-2009 rates decreased by 58.03% was statistically significant trend for both sexes; men r2=0.94, betha: —0.73; women: r2=0.97, betha: 0.95. The maximum percentage of mortality from stroke in relation to the overall mortality was 7.22 in the period 1985-1989 reached down to 5.92% in 2005-2009.


In the Latin American context, stroke mortality rates in Costa Rica are low but still represent a serious public health problem by the high mortality, morbidity and disability that they cause, despite a downward trend.

Palabras llave : Mortality; Cerebrovascular disease (stroke); Descriptive studies; Descriptive epidemiology; Costa Rica.

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