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Revista mexicana de ingeniería química

versión impresa ISSN 1665-2738


ROJAS-SOLA, J.I.  y  SAN-ANTONIO-GOMEZ, C. de. Bibliometric analysis of mexican scientific publications in the category engineering, chemical from the web of science data base (1997-2008). Rev. Mex. Ing. Quím [online]. 2010, vol.9, n.3, pp.231-240. ISSN 1665-2738.

The purpose of this study was to characterize the area of Engineering, Chemical at Mexico. So, it has been reviewed at the institutional level, through the dalabase Web of Science (WoS), -work on Engineering, Chemical conducted by researchers in Mexican institutions and published in international journals with impact factor between 1997 and 2008. It the Latin American context, where work has been published rate 6,183 article or review in 119 journals, and in Mexico where found 1,3502 articles in 87 journals published mostly in English (96.08%), but in Spanish (3.69%) and French (0.23%). On the other hand, we have analyzed tht Universities and Research Centers from the point of view quantitative and qualitative, through some bibliometric indicators as the Weighted Impact Factor, Relative Impact Factor and the ratio between the number of citations compared to the number of documents. Thus, among the five most productive institution! stressed the Mexican Petroleum Institute by thd number of documents and the National Autonomous University of Mexico for the ratio between quotes against documents and for the Weighted Impact Factor.

Palabras llave : bibliometrics; impact factor; web of science; Mexico; engineering chemical.

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