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vol.9 número4Acoplamiento cibernético paciente-máquina-enfermeraIntervenciones dirigidas a disminuir/evitar el sedentarismo en los escolares índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Enfermería universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2395-8421versión impresa ISSN 1665-7063


TORRES LAGUNAS, María de los Ángeles; LUNA VICTORIA, Flor Marlene  y  GARCIA JIMENEZ, María Alberta. Health Disruption in everyday life of pregnant women with preeclampsia. Enferm. univ [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.4, pp.35-44. ISSN 2395-8421.

This qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study has the objective of describing and analyzing the everyday life of women with pre-eclampsia in a semi-urban community in the municipality of Chimalhuacán, state of Mexico. Pre-eclampsia is a public health problem in Mexico which has occupied the first place in maternal deaths over two decades, 1 and which occurs in 5 to 10% of all pregnancies. 2 Maffesoli Morin, Maturana,, Varela,, Figueiredo and Boff works provide theoretical foundations for this study. Depth interviews were conducted to sixteen women attending the Chimalhuacán General Hospital during their pregnancies. The data analysis was performed considering the principles of Orlandi. 3 From the discourse analysis, two categories emerged; Auto-eco-socio-organization of the daily life, and creating life in the everyday. The first category included three subcategories; time, space and movement, and identity and solidarity. The second category included two subcategories; corporeality-subjectivity, and health disruption. The final considerations of the everyday emphasizes women's pre-eclampsia as complex, autonomous, self-organizing, self-produced, self-determined, relational, irreducible, dialogic, recursive, hologramatic, dynamic, changing(negentropy), homeostatic, synergistic, and as living with multiple identities and endurance against adversity. The study findings can help design indicative singular, sensitive and culturally especific models for these women.

Palabras llave : Daily life; pre-eclampsia; pregnancy; gender perspective; culture.

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