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vol.8 número2De indianismo eclesiástico y otros: Catolicismo social, discursos y prácticas étnicas en Michoacán (1940-1950)La línea "...está ahí, es algo que se ve, pero que también se siente": imaginarios de frontera de las juventudes "al sur" índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2007-8900versión impresa ISSN 1665-8027


KAUFFER MICHEL, Edith F.. Migraciones y agua en la frontera entre México, Guatemala y Belice: aproximaciones en torno a una relación multiforme. LiminaR [online]. 2010, vol.8, n.2, pp.29-45. ISSN 2007-8900.

The southern border of Mexico is a complex scenario of migration flows among them are internal and international movements are due to several factors. Also in the region, water resources are characterized by their abundance due to heavy rainfall concentrated in a few months of the year that cause a multifacetedpresence of water sources andgroundwater. This paper aims to explore in apreliminary way the relationship between these two realities intertwining in the same territory. Based on various definitions of the border, looks at first the relationship between water and the two main dimensions of the border in the region studied. Later, he evokes the presence of water as a favorable and unfavorable to migration, the existence of attraction exercises, but whose abundance shifts and eventually causes whose presence on the southern border facilitates migration but emphasizes the risks faced by migrants.

Palabras llave : Migrations; water; border; frontier; Mexico; Guatemala; Belize.

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