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vol.7 número13Apuntes para la re-construcción de una sociología de la literatura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-539Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-1191


GONZALEZ OLIMON, Claudia Cecilia et al. Representaciones mediáticas socioambientales en torno al proyecto de megapuerto en Bahía Colonet. Culturales [online]. 2011, vol.7, n.13, pp.145-172. ISSN 2448-539X.

This article identifies the value that have been created surrounding the antropic, biotic and abiotic factors of the megaport proyect in Colonet Bay. The work was based on the analysis of 409 news articles from five northwest Mexico-USA border region online newspapers. The interpretative epistemologic frame was chosen, and the quantity and quality methods were used to conclude the project at Colonet Bay is not sustainable. The perspective of the project is overbearingly anthropogenic, centered on values that reduce the surrounding natural landscape to an instrumental vision as a means of accumulating wealth.

Palabras llave : Colonet; media; landscape value; content analysis; discursive analysis.

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