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vol.2 número1El nuevo "panóptico" multidireccional: normalización consumista y espectáculo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-539Xversión impresa ISSN 1870-1191


PINERA RAMIREZ, David  y  MENDEZ FIERROS, Hugo. Actores y medios de comunicación en la toma del Club Campestre por estudiantes de la UABC, 1971. Culturales [online]. 2014, vol.2, n.1, pp.215-237. ISSN 2448-539X.

This paper presents an analysis of the occupation of the Campestre Country Club of Tijuana in 1971, by students who demanded that the grounds of the Country Club be awarded to the UABC, since the University did not own its own spaces. This analysis includes the perception of the people involved, at the time that this was taking place, as well as four decades later, with the subsequent discourse changes. Originally, this discourse was that of protest, but it would later be incorporated to the institutional discourse, that emphasizes the movement as a fundamental factor toward the acquisition of the land where the UABC stands today at Mesa de Otay. The public agenda mentioned in this article was composed, to some extent, by the systematic media coverage of regional press produced from February to April 1971. In order to explain the connection between the public and media production that brought about finding an institutional solution, numerous journalistic reports from the movement were analyzed. Oral history interviews made to student leaders at the time, as well as statements from the Federal Security Agency which had not been available for a long period of time, were also used.

Palabras llave : student movement; Universidad Autónoma de Baja California; discourse; construction of the agenda; mass media.

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