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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


HERRERA MORALES, María del Rayo; ROSAS VARGAS, Miguel Ángel  y  CANSECO JIMENEZ, Joaquín. Oral breathing frequency in children with malocclusion. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.2, pp.91-98. ISSN 1870-199X.


Malocclusion is the result of an interaction of multiple factors that influence in growth and development of the human being, the oral breathing syndrome produces alterations in the estomatognatic system affecting aesthetic, functional and psychological aspects in the child. If a real association between oral breathing and malocclusion settles down we will be able to take part early on the pathologies related to them.

Material and methods:

A cross-sectional study was made, the sample was selected from a group of patients of the Orthodontics Service of the Hospital Infantil de México, Federico Gómez, data collected previously from malocclusion was taken. Data about the type of breathing, either nasal or oral, was obtained from the clinical evaluation by a Pediatric Allergist, who made a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, septal deviation or adenoiditis.


55 patients completed the study, 29 female and 26 males; the age average was 13 years old. Twenty six patients presented oral breathing (47%), the precise cause is very debatable since all patients do not develop the same kind of anomalies. The growth of adenoids was the most frequent cause in this patients. The frequency of malocclusion in patients with oral breathing have a great significance at the right side (p = 0.076), it was observed that in molar class I the frequency is higher.


The malocclusion is growing affection, in most of the cases it is due to a moderate distortion of the normal growing. Oral breathing is one of the possible functional causes where malocclusion is developed and it is necessary to consider when planning the appropriate treatment.

Palabras llave : Malocclusion; skeletal class relation; growth; oral breathing; septal deviation; adenoiditis; allergic rhinitis.

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