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vol.15 número2Anquilosis temporomandibular. Liberación, reconstrucción con injerto de apófisis coronoides y cartílago auricular: Presentación de caso clínicoLesión mandibular inusual de fibroma odontogénico central combinado con granuloma central de células gigantes mandibular índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista odontológica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 1870-199X


TORRES TERAN, José Federico; JIMENEZ CASTILLO, René  y  BERNAL ARCINIEGA, Rubén. Hybrid prostheses in total maxillectomy: Case report. Rev. Odont. Mex [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.2, pp.122-125. ISSN 1870-199X.

Maxillectomies triggered by cancer lesions leave as sequels the communication between oral and nasal cavities. This allows for the exchange of oral and nasal fluids which hinders speech, mastication and deglutition (swallowing) It also causes facial deformities which lower the patient's self esteem. To restore these functions, we need unconventional, modified, and hard to build prosthetic devices such as the design of a hybrid retention prosthetic obturator (swing lock).

Palabras llave : Maxillectomy; prosthetic obturator; swing lock; hybrid prostheses.

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